World Book Day

On Thursday 3rd March it was the 25th Anniversary for World Book Day. The theme was: You are a Reader. At Churchdown School Academy we decided that we wanted to make this a memorable, excitable, and effective day that supports and encourages reading for our students.
We held a variety of different events, all of which had huge success. The Churchdown School Book Swap saw numerous students donating their books (Elliot in year 9 donated 36 books!) in exchange for a bag of treats and a pre-loved book for them to read. Throughout the week we promoted silent reading during our tutor programme. Tutors also made book recommendations to their groups and then all years completed 'The Big Fictional Quiz' with one tutor group naming 111 fictional characters! Our teachers brought their favourite fictional character to life by dressing up as them, there were some extremely creative costumes.